Verklaring Eurocommissaris Füle (Buurlanden) na zijn bezoek aan Moldavië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 maart 2011.

Today I met with Prime Minister Vladimir Filat with whom I had a very useful and timely discussion. We discussed EU-Moldova relations and the importance for the country to continue its impressive reform endeavour. I have emphasized the need for Moldova to ensure the sustainability of the reform process. In this context, I have been encouraged by the commitment of Prime Minister Filat to ensure an effective implementation of the EU Moldova Action Plan. I have also stressed that it is up to Moldova to find a solution to the current institutional deadlock and that a rapid solution would contribute to the sustainability of reforms.

As regards EU-Moldova relations, we looked at our achievements of the past few months and discussed plans for the future. A lot has been achieved in a short time. The innovative and ambitious Association Agreement that we are negotiating will bring the EU and Moldova closer to each other. We are jointly working on further important steps, in particular the preparations for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, an aviation agreement, or improving Energy security through interconnections with the EU. We have also had an exchange of views on regional challenges as well as on the review of the European Neighbourhood policy.

All these efforts have brought or will bring soon very tangible results. We also share a common vision about the necessary reforms which are critical to ensure Moldova’s prosperity and stability in the long term. I have reconfirmed that the European Union will continue to support Moldova in its reform efforts. It is clear that the more Moldova does, the more we can do.

We have agreed to review the situation on the occasion of the up-coming Cooperation Council which will be held in Brussels on 5th May.