Voorzitter Europese Commissie Barroso en eurocommissaris Barnier (Interne markt en diensten) formuleren succescriteria voor Europa 2020-strategie (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Economisch en Sociaal Comité (EESC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 11 maart 2011.

At its upcoming plenary session, to be held on 15-16th March, the European Economic and Social Committee and José Manuel Barroso i, European Commission President, will attempt to identify the recipe for success for the Europe 2020 strategy. Michel Barnier i, Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services will, together with the EESC i Members, broach the challenging issue of completing the single market.

Venue: Charlemagne building, European Commisison

Schedule: EC president José Manuel Barroso and Commissioner Barnier will attend the plenary session at 3 p.m. and at 5pm, respectively, on Tuesday, March 15th.

Press point with Commissioner Barnier and EESC President Nilsson at 6pm in VIP room (2nd floor, Charlemagne building)

European Commission President José Manuel Barroso will focus on the prospects for success for the Europe 2020 strategy which aims to address the major economic and social challenges facing Europe today. EESC President Staffan Nilsson will use Barroso's visit as an opportunity to impart civil society's stance on the reforms to be carried out, lest the strategy fail. Following the Commission's call for civil society to become a key partner of Europe 2020 strategy, the EESC has set up a specific body called the "Europe 2020 Steering Committee". It brings together economic and social councils from across the continent to evaluate the progress of the strategy.

Commissioner Michel Barnier will present the Commission's Single Market Act, which aims at completing the creation of a truly European market almost 20 years since its emergence. The EESC, which is just finalising its opinion on the Commission's paper, will argue for more coherence and interdependence between different measures of the Single Market Act.

The Committee will also adopt a string of opinions on key issues under discussion at EU level and in Member States. In its hotly debated paper on the future of Common Agricultural Policy, the EESC will advocate a strong CAP with a budget no smaller than the current one. In the energy policy area, the Committee is due to adopt a couple of opinions assessing the growing role of neighbouring countries in ensuring energy supply and examining ways of ensuring energy market integrity and transparency.

To find out more, check the agenda of the plenary session.

For more information, please contact:

Barbara Gessler, EESC Press Unit,

Tel.:+32 2 546 8066;
