Youth on the Move initiatief in Warschau

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 8 maart 2011.

Thousands of young Poles became aware of the Youth on the Move initiative during the Perspektywy education fair held in Warsaw at the end of last week (3.-5.March).

Over three days visitors had the opportunity to take part in more than 30 presentations and debates on "Youth on the Move" and listen to the testimonials of young people who participated in EU education and youth programmes such

as Erasmus i, Leonardo da Vinci i and the European Voluntary Service.

Hundreds of visitors tested their knowledge of the EU in a quiz and profited from the possibility to talk to specialists representing the EU and its networks.

The highlight of the Youth on the Move presence in Warsaw was a debate with young people on Friday, at which Polish education minister Katarzyna Hall, Director-General for Education at the European Commission Jan Truszczynski and MEP Danuta Hübner i met with an audience of over 500 young people from all across Poland.

Jan Mela and Marta Szilajtis-Obieglo, both famous for their extraordinary exploits in travelling and discovery and ambassadors for Youth on the Move, received the biggest applause.