EU Jongerenconferentie afgelopen (en)
The EU Youth Conference in Budapest / Gödölö, which brought together more than 100 youth representatives and policy-makers active at EU-level and in the Member States, finished last Friday, 4th of March 2011.
The conference held under the Hungarian Presidency aimed to conclude the current cycle of the structured dialogue on youth employment, which was organised during the Trio Presidency of Spain-Belgium-Hungary.
During the Youth Conference, youth delegates and Directors General jointly agreed on a document consisting of 8 concrete policy recommendations and proposals of actions to improve youth employment policy in Europe. The recommendations are focusing on different aspects of youth employment, including the transition between education and employment, social protection and the recognition of competences, for example, the key role of youth organisations as major providers of non-formal education, informal learning and wider mobility opportunities outside the formal education context.
In the conclusions, the participants in the Structured Dialogue asked for sustainable long-term support for their activities in order to equip young people with skills and competences to become active citizens and ease their access to the labour market, which is an important step in achieving the aims of the Europe 2020 strategy and building a competitive, knowledge-based and sustainable Europe. The Conclusions will form part of a Council Resolution on the Structured Dialogue, to be adopted by all EU Member States in the May Council of Youth Ministers.
To find out more, please visit the website of the event: