Voorbereidende gesprekken voor EU-Azië en EU-Japan toppen gehouden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 4 maart 2011, 13:50.

The strengthening of the partnership and cooperation between the EU and countries of Asia is of special significance - stated Zsolt Németh, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, in the Ministry of Foreign affairs in the EU - Japan Symposium held on 3 March 2011. The main topic of the event was the economic, political and security cooperation, between Asian countries and the European Union, through the enhancement by the Asia - Europe Meeting (ASEM).

During 6, and 7 June 2011, the ministers of foreign affairs of 27 member states of the Union and 19 Asian countries, will participate in the ASEM conference in Gödöllo. Before that, the EU-Japan summit will take place in Brussels, in May.

A successful ASEM

In the press conference held in Budapest on 3 March, Zsolt Németh, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, said that ASEM was becoming increasingly the engine of relationship building between Europe and Asia. According to Mr. Németh, one group of Asian partners represents the same mindset as that of the EU, a commitment to human rights and democracy, while the relationship with the other group, will be mainly dominated by economics. The EU has tasks concerning both of these groups, and the Union endeavours to conduct strong cooperation with them, told the minister of state.

Mr. Németh detailed the significance of the partnership and cooperation agreements, concluded or, to be-concluded, with Asian countries, highlighting the close relationship between the EU and Japan and between the EU and the Republic of Korea.

Culture, education, tourism

The minister of state expressed his opinion, that culture, education and tourism, should be significant factors within the European - Asian cooperation, so that the people in these two continents - especially the youth - can have more opportunities to explore each other’s cultures.

Shigeru Nakamura, special delegate of the Japanese Government, acknowledged the Hungarian presidency for organising this 'constructive and informative' meeting. He expressed his opinion that with Hungary as rotating president of the Council, being a country committed to the strengthening of the connections between Europe and Asia, there is now an excellent opportunity to, further improve the cooperation.

Viorel Isticioaia Budura, director of the Asian department of European External Action Service (EEAS), said that the establishment of EEAS is a significant step towards making the mechanism of the dialogue between the two continents, more efficient.