Europarlementariërs roepen Albanië op neerwaartse politieke spiraal te beëindigen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 februari 2011, 17:17.

Parliament urged the Albanian political elite to keep the interests of its citizens in mind, and not further jeopardize the country's EU accession prospects, during a debate the political crisis in Albania with Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle i.

MEPs from all political groups agreed that Albanian politics is in a state of crisis, and argued for the restoration of functioning democratic institutions, among other things through the opposition's return to Parliament, an independent investigation of the events of 21 January, and free and fair municipal elections.

Commissioner Füle said to MEPs that "the tone in Tirana needs to change, the dangerous downward spiral must end, and the political crisis must be resolved".

The Albanian opposition has claimed that the June 2009 elections were fraudulent, and has been unwilling to cooperate with the government since. Local elections are planned for May of this year.