Culture in Motion van start (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 februari 2011.

People from across Europe meet in Brussels today and tomorrow to discuss the added value of European cultural funding and to learn about the result and impact of EU-supported culture projects. Read here about the conference!

Today and tomorrow, over 600 participants meet up in Square Meeting Centre in Brussels to get a first hand glimpse of how transnational cultural initiatives financed by EU-programmes help address current challenges in Europe, and the many different ways culture contributes to the EU objective of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

A selection of projects are being presented in an interactive Culture in Motion conference exhibition and in 4 plenary sessions, that tackle the following topics:

  • cultural and linguistic diversity and intercultural dialogue
  • helping artists with their careers
  • strengthening the capacity of the cultural sector
  • increasing access of the public to European culture
  • promoting the circulation of works within Europe and beyond

The conference programme:

Access the plenary presentations here:

Learn more about the projects supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 in the latest Culture in Motion brochure, available in English, French and German, by using this link:

The conference evaluation is online! Your opinion is valuable to us. Please let us know how you found the conference: