'Groene diplomatie' op Europese agenda (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 februari 2011, 14:42.

The Green Diplomacy Network continued its work with its 17th meeting in Budapest, on 11 February 2011. Member states’ professionals identified the points where the global message of the EU’s environmental policy should be reinforced.

Established on the European Council’s initiative in 2003, the Green Diplomacy Network (GDN), aims to ensure the EU speaks with “one voice” to third countries on environmental issues, and to give more weight to environmental aspects in community policies.

Diplomats for environmental issues of member states’ foreign ministries and representatives of the European Commission, and the European External Action Service, gathered in the building of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on 11 February 2011, to review each green issue on the Hungarian Presidency’s agenda; and to evaluate the Belgian Presidency’s relevant achievements.

The experts of Hungary and the Commission clarified their positions on climate change, bio-diversity, the international mercury negotiations, green economy and sustainable development; and reviewed the proposals on the Green Diplomacy Network’s operation.

During the conference, Gábor Baranyai, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, mentioned that it is a key objective of the Hungarian Presidency and member states, to put the results of the Cancún Climate Summit into practice and start preparations for the next meeting in Durban in 2011.

József Feiler, Head of the Climate Policy Department of the Ministry of National Development, declared that the “Cancún conference was successful for giving the Copenhagen results an official form. Now our job is to clarify details”, Mr Feiler said. He added “from a global prospective , it is of strategic importance that the parties fulfil their promises made in Cancún”.

Furthermore, the conference identified the subjects where a so-called démarche should be developed, to present the EU’s common position to third countries.

The operation of the Green Diplomacy Network is the common responsibility of the Hungarian Presidency, and the European External Action Service. In this context, there is a need to represent the EU’s position related to international environmental negotiations. Preparation for the opening meeting, was already launched in 2010. By tradition, the event will be hosted by the capital of the country holding the presidency. Continuity is granted by the European Commission, and the European External Action Service.