Banenmarkt voor jongeren en beleid voor actieve ouderen prioriteit voor Hongaars voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 9 februari 2011, 17:37.

“One of the social and employment priorities of the Hungarian Presidency, is to provide more jobs for young people,” said Ambassador Ágnes Vargha, Deputy Permanent Representative (COREPER-I), in Brussels on 8 February.

“Within the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Hungarian Presidency strives to provide more jobs and make them more attractive for young people, so they can enter the labour market with greater ease after graduation,” stressed the Ambassador, in her speech at the conference of the National Federation of Private Employers of France (FEPEM), in Brussels.

“The Hungarian Presidency wants to keep such demographic challenges, such as ageing, on the agenda. With a view to popularising active ageing, the Presidency tries to achieve an agreement with the European Parliament on the decision on the European Year of Active Ageing,” said the Ambassador.

“On family policy, the Hungarian Presidency is determined to raise the correlations between the problems of family policy, and demography to an EU level. Therefore, Hungary will organise a conference on “Reconciliation of work and family life”, Ágnes Vargha pointed out. An informal ministerial meeting will be organised on the same issue, which will be held in Hungary. Hungary will propose 2013 to be the European Year of Family. The Hungarian Presidency hopes that the Commission will include its proposals in the demography communication planned for 2011.