Europees Parlement verdedigt immuniteit Hongaarse parlementariër (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 3 februari 2011, 11:49.

Parliament voted on Thursday to preserve the parliamentary immunity of Hungarian MEP Tamás Deutsch i, who has been accused of defamation. MEPs' assessment is that Mr Deutsch expressed his opinions in the performance of his duties as a Member of the European Parliament and that therefore his immunity should not be waived.

In 2010 a Hungarian citizen brought charges against Mr Deutsch, who on 25 March that year expressed in a radio programme a number of allegedly untrue statements concerning the past of the accuser which were considered by him to be defamatory.

Today's resolution rejecting the immunity waiver request was drafted by Francesco Speroni i (EFD, IT) and was adopted by show of hands.