Europees gesubsidieerd project wint prijs voor beste onderwijsproject in de wereld (en)
Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 januari 2011.
The cooperation between National Youth Councils from Southern Europe and Portuguese-speaking African countries, supported by the Youth in Action Programme (action 3.2), has won the 2010 edition of the World Aware Education Award.
Nine partner organisations participated in this pioneer project reinforcing the Euro-African cooperation:
•National Youth Council of Angola;
•Youth Council of Spain;
•National Youth Council of Catalonya;
•Youth Federation of Cape Vert;
•Forum Nazionale dei Giovani (Italy);
•National Youth Council of Guinea-Bissau;
•Youth Council of Cyprus;
•National Youth Council of Mozambique;
•National Youth Council of Slovenia.
The World Aware Education Award, promoted by the Council of Europe, seeks to recognize and encourage projects in the area of an improved and increased global education in formal and non-formal educational settings, bringing together various actors and institutions that demonstrate excellence in networking, partnership and coordination.
The award ceremony took place in Brussels on 7th December 2010 during the European Development Days.