Hongaars voorzitterschap ziet opvolger Kyoto-akkoord als belangrijk doel voor milieu en economisch beleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 januari 2011, 20:28.

“The Hungarian Presidency wants to make great strides in creating a legally binding and accountable global agreement on the post-2012 climate protection objectives,” stated Tamás Fellegi, Minister of National Development at the EP’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety.

In addition to implementing the decisions of the latest climate summit held in Cancún, Mexico, the Hungarian Presidency is preparing the meeting to be held in Durban, South Africa at the end of this year; and is working on the harmonisation of member states’ positions, Mr Fellegi added. The Durban summit may determine whether a global agreement is reached on emission reduction goals after the period regulated by the Kyoto Protocol.

In particular, the Minister of Development stressed the importance of creating a transparent, reliable financial system and control mechanism. He added that another major question relates to the extent and ways to help developing countries reach their goals, and the ways to check the implementation of national commitments. Mr Fellegi said, “it is important to discuss water issues during negotiations.”

Mr Fellegi took the view that if greenhouse gas emission is not reduced to half of its 1990s level by 2050, it will have highly negative natural, social and economic effects, leading to destabilisation, migration and crises. For this reason, a key question for the following period is whether the EU will be able to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions beyond its assumed 20% by 2020. Mr Fellegi added, “The Council is also debating the Commission’s report on the effects and costs of a potential 30% reduction, which is also proposed by the European Parliament.”

The Minister stated that by the end of June, the Presidency wants to see a common position by the Council on the road map towards a developed, modern European low-carbon economy.
