Debat met Hongaarse staatssecretaris over transport en toerisme in Europees Parlement (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 januari 2011, 13:30.

Mr Pál Völner, State Secretary for Infrastructure of the Ministry of National Development told the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Transport and Tourism that “the development of land, air and water networks could become the driving force of our common prosperity...the aspects of sustainability and the environment also need to be considered”.

According to the State Secretary, it would be reasonable to reach an agreement still in this semester, on the Euro-vignette Directive, creating a single European system for heavy vehicle tolls, even if the proposal, now discussed at the second hearing, failed to meet the highest expectations. The text, he added, should be revised for a potential “higher level compromise” at a later stage.

Further objectives of the Presidency include the negotiation and, preferably, the conclusion of the transportation security directive, as well as the revision of the first railway law package. Also, Hungary wants to progress in inland navigation, which it considers as a priority. Mr Völner mentioned the infrastructure development and job creation aspects of the Danube Strategy. Speaking of the revision of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), to be discussed at the informal meeting of transportation ministers in February, he said, “it is important to grant all member states access to the network in a geographically balanced way.”

Regarding air transportation, Hungary’s objectives include taking further steps to implement the Single European Sky and to re-shape the system of air traffic control. Mr Völner said that in the field of sea navigation Hungary acted customary by requesting support from Belgium, a Trio partner much more involved in the issue, to perform its duties during its term of Presidency. The objectives of the Presidency include revising legislation on sea passenger and cargo shipping and marine equipment.