Staatssecretaris Czene presenteert Hongaarse plannen omtrent sport in EP-Commissie Cultuur en Onderwijs (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 26 januari 2011, 13:14.

At the hearing of the EP’s Committee on Culture and Education, Attila Czene, the Hungarian Government’s State Secretary for Sports, explained that the Hungarian Presidency’s work related to sport is determined by the Lisbon Treaty and the European Commission’s recent communication, released on 18 January.

Mr Czene declared that even though sport is among the youngest competencies of the Union, this cannot mean that it should fail to receive EU subsidies. In response to MEPs, the State Secretary said „In such a tight financial situation, funds for sport should be re-allocated from other areas... the Council is looking at ways for sport to contribute to the EU’s development. Namely, sport can achieve multiple goals: it reduces exclusion, promotes the social integration of the dis-advantaged, as well as fostering health preservation and performance enhancement.”

Mr Czene thinks that it is a mistake to confront competitive sports against senior or leisure sports, as society requires all of them. Sport needs outstanding personalities and idols to inspire the rising generations and mass sport. Mr Czene also stressed, „Sport is not the privilege of men: it belongs to everyone, regardless of sex or age.”