Positieve reactie Comité van de Regio's op groenboek over het ontsluiten van het potentieel van cultuur en innovatie in Europa (en)
On 1 December 2010, the Committee of the Regions adopted an Opinion on the Commission's Green Paper.
In its opinion, the Committee welcomes the Commission's Green Paper and the European debate it has launched on the necessary conditions to improve the creative and innovative environment in Europe in order to stimulate the potential of cultural and creative industries.
It also welcomes the increasing recognition at European level of the role played by those industries in fostering creativity and innovation and highlights the crucial role of local and regional authorities in this regard.
The Committee underlines that the successful implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy requires "a bold innovative approach and [that] here the role of the cultural and creative industries is, in particular, to generate multidisciplinary and multicultural solutions".
The full text of this Opinion is available in English.
The Opinion will soon be available in all other EU languages on the Committee's website.