Van Rompuy verwacht nauwe samenwerking met Hongaars Voorzitterschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Hongaars voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2011 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 21 december 2010.

‘I am very much looking forward to work together with the Hungarian Presidency,’ permanent President of the European Council i Herman Van Rompuy i said during his visit to the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on December 21. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán i will play a key role during Hungary’s presidency period, he emphasized.

Herman Van Rompuy is looking forward to work with the Hungarian rotating Presidency starting on the 1st January 2011. In his speech at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the permanent President of the European Council talked about the challenges of the coming six months. Besides economic issues, he spoke about employment policy, energy security, enlargement and neighbourhood policy among the main tasks.

These topics are high on the agenda of the Hungarian Presidency, and will be debated at high-level events. The February European Council will deal with energy and innovation, while social aspects of the Europe 2020 economic strategy will top the agenda of the March summit.

Eastern Partnership countries will have their second summit in May 2011 in Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, whom he paid a visit later during the day, will play a key role in facing these challenges, permanent President Van Rompuy underlined.

More coordination

While tackling the financial crisis, the aim of the European Union is to bring more coordination in the process: economic development of the member states should converge, Van Rompuy pointed out. He also underlined that besides their rights, member states have obligations as well. All 27 member states of the EU are convinced that the stability of the Eurozone is the key to the stability of Europe, he said referring to the results of the December European Council.

According to the permanent President, countries outside of the Eurozone should not forget that the financial and economic difficulties put the same burden on them as on the member states in the Eurozone. It is in the interest of the EU that governments inside and outside the Eurozone have the same rights and obligations, said Van Rompuy, because financial stability and the credibility of the community can only be regained this way.

‘If the Eurozone is in danger, everyone is in danger,’ said Foreign Minister János Martonyi, in his speech. ‘Hungary wants to build a strong Europe, and a strong Europe implies strong member states and a strong Euro,’ he added.

eurozone strong europe Van Rompuy

Related documents

12.21. Remarks by Herman Van Rompuy following his meeting with Viktor Orbán 12.22. Speech of Herman Van Rompuy in Budapest, December 21, 2010 (EN)
