Commissaris Füle (Uitbreiding en Europees nabuurschapsbeleid) feliciteert Montenegro met status kandidaat-lidstaat (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 17 december 2010.

I welcome today's decision of the European Council to grant Montenegro the status of candidate country, as recommended by the Commission in its Opinion of 9 November 2010.

This reflects the recognition by the EU of the progress made by Montenegro in its preparation for future EU membership. It is a powerful demonstration of the credibility of our enlargement policy, which delivers results in Brussels when reforms take place at home - i.e. in Montenegro.

We hope that today's decision will give new impetus to the country's EU-related reforms, especially with respect to the key priorities identified by the Commission as instrumental to preparing the country for the opening of its accession negotiations with the EU.