Europese Commissie organiseert in februari 3de Culture in Motion Conference (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 november 2010.

What is the added value of transnational cultural cooperation projects supported by the EU i and what does European financing enable the cultural sector to achieve that would not have been possible otherwise? The European Commission i is organising its third Culture in Motion Conference 15-16 February 2011 in Brussels in order to help answer these and other questions.

A sample of projects funded by the Culture Programme 2007-2013, by the Pilot Project for Artist Mobility and by other EU programmes (like the Lifelong Learning Programme, Citizenship Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and European Regional Development Programme) will help show concretely how funding is making a difference on a European level, as well as, underline the significant role of culture in enhancing smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and supporting other EU policies.

16 February in the afternoon, stakeholders are invited to discuss how a future Culture Programme could be further optimised to help the cultural sector to achieve the aims as set out in the EU-2020 i strategy.