Parlementaire vergadering ACS-EU: debatten over DR Congo, moedersterfte en onzekerheid in de Sahel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 november 2010, 13:33.

The various facets of insecurity in the Sahara/Sahel strip - terrorism and trafficking in drugs, arms and human beings - and the need to relaunch Millennium goal 5 of reducing maternal mortality will be the focus of debate at the 20th ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, to be held in Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) from 2 to 4 December 2010.

Co-Presidents Louis Michel and David Matongo (Zambia), DRC President Joseph Kabila, and DRC National Assembly speaker Evariste Boshab, will address the Joint Parliamentary Assembly's opening session on Thursday 2 December at 11.00h. A press conference will be held the same day at about 12.00h in the plenary room.

The Jean Rey international prize will be awarded to Congolese gynacologist Denis Mukwege, founder of the Panzi hospital at Bukavu (South Kivu), who specialises in treating female victims of gang rape (Thursday 2 December).

Violence against women will also be discussed in the Women's Forum, at a meeting attended by minister for gender, family affairs and children Marie-Ange Lukiana Mufwankolo and minister for justice and human rights Luzolo Bambi Lessa.

Developments in DRC and Central Africa

The Assembly will debate developments in the DRC in an exchange of views with the DRC authorities (Friday 3 December, afternoon), and the 10th EDF strategy document for the DRC (Thursday 2 December afternoon).

Members of the European Parliament and their ACP counterparts will also hold workshops on challenges and threats to regional stability in the Central African Region arising from the illegal exploitation of natural and mineral resources in the DRC and the reconstruction challenges facing the DRC as a post-conflict state. (Wednesday 1 December, morning).

Maternal mortality and development goals

In the key debate on the Millennium Development Goals, to be attended by Burkina Faso's President Blaise Compaoré, members are likely to advocate relaunching efforts to reduce maternal mortality and pregnancy and birth-related complications, one of the goals upon which the least progress has been made.

A report co-authored by Licia Ronzulli (EPP, IT) and Odirile Motlhale (Botswana) "Achieving the MDGs: innovative responses to meet the social and economic challenges" will be debated on this occasion (Friday 3 December, morning).

Members will debate insecurity in the Sahara/Sahel strip (Friday 3 December, afternoon), efforts to combat food insecurity in the ACP countries (Thursday 2 December, afternoon), and developments in Madagascar, Somalia, Sudan and Zimbabwe (Saturday 4 December, afternoon).

They will also take stock of economic partnership agreements, which aim to expand free trade between the European Union and African, Caribbean and Pacific states by eliminating customs duties in line with WTO rules, with a statement by European Union trade Commissioner Karel de Gucht (Thursday 2 December, afternoon).

Climate change and press freedom

Two reports co-authored by European and ACP members will be debated and put to the vote.

The first, on "Post-Copenhagen: technology transfer, new technologies, and technical capacity building in the ACP States" was drafted by Jo Leinen (S&D, DE) and Marisa Dalrymple Philibert (Jamaïque). The second, on "Free and Independent Media", was drafted by Rainer Wieland (EPP, DE) and Jean Rodolphe Joazile (Haiti).

Resolutions and reports will be put to the vote on the afternoon of Saturday 4 December.

Twice a year 78 Members of the European Parliament and 78 national members of parliament from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries meet to provide parliamentary scrutiny of European Union development policy.

Venue: Palais du Peuple, Kinshasa/Lingwala.