Groen licht voor Moldavië om aan EU-programma's deel te nemen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 24 november 2010, 12:47.

MEPs consented Wednesday to Moldova's participation in several European Community programmes and agencies, such as transport, food safety, customs, and aviation safety, so as to support this EU i neighbouring country's efforts to reform and modernize.

Moldova will contribute funding to the EU budget depending upon which agencies and programmes are open to it and which it is able to join, and, to this end, may use assistance from the EU Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument.

The necessary protocol will apply provisionally, until it officially enters into force. Its implementation may be reviewed every three years.


As part of the European Neighbourhood Policy, the gradual opening-up of certain EU programmes and agencies to the participation of European Neighbourhood Policy partner countries is one of many measures to promote reform and transition in the EU’s neighbourhood.