Europees Parlement stemt in met €13 miljoen steun aan Ierland na overstromingen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 november 2010, 12:45.

The European Parliament on Tuesday approved €13 million in EU i Solidarity Fund aid to Ireland in response to the severe floods that hit the country in November 2009.

The €13 million will help remedy the effects of the inundations, which caused severe damage to the farming sector, residential property and businesses as well as to the road network and other infrastructure.

The Irish authorities put the total direct damage caused by the disaster at €520.9 million. The Solidarity Fund will contribute €13,022,500 million.

The Fund, which was set up to provide support for the population of regions hit by disasters, has an annual ceiling of €1 billion.