Commissaris Füle (Buurlanden) verheugd over dialoog tussen Moldavië en Oekraïne over grensgeschil (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 november 2010.

I welcome the outcome of last Friday's meeting in Chisinau between representatives of the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, called in at the joint initiative of the European Union i and the United States of America to discuss the situation at the Ukrainian-Moldovan state border near the Palanca village. Solutions to such issues should be sought through negotiation in a peaceful manner and in the good neighbourly spirit, and not through unilateral action.

I am encouraged by the constructive atmosphere of the discussions conducted in Chisinau and the responsible attitude of Deputy Foreign Minister Popov and Ambassador Pirozhkov, who have agreed to seek a solution through dialogue, at the soonest possible convenience and without any pre-condition. The European Union stands ready to provide technical expertise in order to facilitate such a dialogue.