Commissievoorzitter Baerroso betuigt medeleven met Rusland na overlijden oud-premier Chernomyrdin (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europese Commissie (EC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 11 november 2010.

"It was with deep sadness that I learnt of the parting of the former Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Mr Chernomyrdin will always be remembered as Russia’s long-serving Prime Minister during the particularly important transition period of 1992 to 1998. He took many crucial decisions for Russia’s future during this time. He served the people with great personal courage and commitment, for instance when he personally negotiated a solution to the 1995 hostage crisis at Budyonnovsk. He will also be warmly remembered for his outstanding personality and unique, human style.

On behalf of the European Commission, let me express the sincerest condolences to you, to the family of Prime Minister Chernomyrdin and to the Russian people."