Europees begrotingscomité verleent steun aan Nederlandse uitgeversbranche (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 9 november 2010, 14:48.

The Budgets Committee today approved €10.5 million in European Globalisation Adjustment Fund aid to over 3,000 people in the Netherlands who lost their printing and publishing sector jobs last year due to the economic crisis. It also approved €13 million in EU Solidarity Fund aid to Ireland, after severe floods in November 2009. Both decisions need to be confirmed by Parliament in plenary session and the Council.

Financial assistance to the 3,058 former workers in the publishing and printing industry in the Netherlands will total €16.2 million, of which the EU is to contribute €10.5 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). The aid will help them to find new jobs through measures including recognition of prior experience, training and re-training, job-to-job accompaniment and support for business creation. Barbara Matera i (EPP, IT), investigated the cases in six reports.

The €13 million in EU Solidarity Fund aid to Ireland will help remedy the effects of severe flooding in November 2009.  The flooding caused severe damage to the agricultural sector, residential properties and businesses, to the road network and other infrastructure. The Irish authorities estimate the total direct damage caused by the disaster at €520,9 million. The Solidarity Fund will contribute support worth €13,022,500 million. Reimer Böge i (EPP, DE), wrote the report on this case.

Following the committee's green light, the measures still need to approved by the full Parliament, in votes scheduled for the 22-25 November plenary session, and the Council of Ministers.

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was established to provide additional support for workers made redundant as a result of major structural changes in world trade patterns due to globalisation or the financial crisis and to assist them with their reintegration into the labour market. Its annual ceiling is €500 million.

The Solidarity Fund is intended to show solidarity with the population of regions struck by disasters. Its annual ceiling is €1 billion.

EGF aid details

Noord Holland and Zuid Holland

598 persons in 8 publishing sector enterprises targeted for support

Amount approved: €2,326,459

Noord Holland & Utrecht

720 persons in 79 enterprises in the sector of printing and reproduction of recorded media targeted for support

Amount approved: € 2,266,625

Noord Brabant & Zuid Holland

821 persons in 70 enterprises in the sector of printing and reproduction of recorded media targeted for support

Amount approved: €2,890,027


129 persons in 9 enterprises in the sector of printing and reproduction of recorded media targeted for support

Amount approved: €549,946


140 persons in 2 enterprises in the sector of printing and reproduction of recorded media targeted for support

Amount approved: € 453,632

Gelderland and Overijssel

650 persons in 45 enterprises in the sector of printing and reproduction of recorded media targeted for support

Amount approved: € 2,013,619

In the chair: Jutta Haug (S&D, DE)