Lifelong Learning Programme doet een oproep voor voorstellen voor 2011 (en)
The general call for proposals for 2011 (EAC/49/10) for the EU i's Lifelong Learning Programme has just been launched. Both citizens and organisations in the field of school and higher education, vocational training and adult learning can now apply again for the numerous activities supported by the programme, which includes the Comenius i, Erasmus i, Leonardo da Vinci i and Grundtvig i sub-programmes, Transversal Programme with its activites for policy cooperation, languages, ICT and dissemination, as well as Jean Monnet Programme.
Through the Lifelong Learning Programme the European Union offers interesting learning opportunities to individuals at all stages of their lives. It helps them go on learning periods abroad and also supports co-operation between schools, universities and enterprises in different European countries.
For the first time five common priorities have been defined for the Lifelong Learning Pogramme in order to reinforce the cohesion within all its activites:
-Develop strategies for lifelong learning and mobility
-Encourage cooperation between the worlds of education, training and work
-Support initial and continuous training of teachers, trainers and education and training institutions' managers
-Promote the acquisition of key competences throughout the education and training system
-Promote social inclusion and gender equality in education and training, including the integration of migrants
These overarching priorities reflect main issues at stake of the political agenda for education and training in the European Union.
All information needed to apply for participation in the Lifelong Learning Programme, in particular the priorities of the Call for Proposals 2011 and the Guide to the programme, are available online at:
The deadlines for submission of applications, which vary according to the part of the programme, can be found in the Official Journal of the European Union (2010/C290/10).
To know more
-The Lifelong Learning Programme - an overview