Oproep tot voorstellen voor "Versterking van capaciteiten in de cultutrele sector" in het kader van investeren in mensen en Oostelijk Partnerschap (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 8 oktober 2010.

Reference: EuropeAid/129338/C/ACT/Multi - Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: 19 November 2010 - The call provides for 15.4million euros

"Strengthening capacities in the cultural sector" in the framework of Investing in People (Development Cooperation Instrument) and Eastern Partnership Culture programme (European Neighbourhood Partnership Instrument).

The overall objective of this call for proposals is to contribute to the creation of a political, regulatory, institutional and economic environment conducive to the strengthening of the cultural sectors and their actors as a vector for sustainable economic, social and human development.

The call for proposals is divided into two lots with the same overall objective but some different specific objectives and different geographic dimensions. Applications must concern only one of the following lots: Investing in People: Lot 1 or Eastern Partnership Cultural Program Lot 2.

Lot 1 Actions must take place in at least two of the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) eligible partner countries or territories listed here.

Lot 2 Actions must take place in at least two of the following countries of the Eastern Partnership: Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Belarus.

Please note that : Cultural sectors include the set of activities with an artistic and/or cultural content across the value chain of the cultural industries (such as music, cinema and audiovisual, books and publishing, heritage, visual arts, performing arts, etc.) and also transversal sectors like cultural tourism, education or communication.

Specific objectives

Applications must address at least one of the following specific objectives:

  • strengthen capacities of public, semi-public and private actors involved in the governance and structuring of the cultural sectors, regarding the role and representativeness of professionals, entrepreneurs, artists and civil society organisations (Lot 1&2);
  • support participation of civil society in processes enhancing cultural governance at local, national, regional and interregional levels, promoting inclusive cultural policies in respect of cultural diversity and fostering access to culture for all (Lot 1);
  • contribute to creating adequate conditions for the development of cultural activities and cooperation in the context of regional integration and international networking (Lot 1&2);
  • supporting awareness raising and cultural initiatives having a regional impact on sustainable economic and social development, democratization, and enhanced inter-cultural dialogue, promoting inclusive cultural policies in respect of cultural diversity and fostering access to culture for all (Lot 2);
  • strengthening regional links and dialogue within the region of the Eastern Partnership, and between the EU and countries of the Eastern Partnership in respect to cultural networks and actors (Lot 2).

The indicative financial envelope foreseen is as follows:

Lot 1: €7 million

Lot 2: €8.4

Grants requested must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:

Lot 1: €250,000 - €400,000

Lot 2: €400,000 - €700,000

For further Information:


EN version: http://www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=22698&id_type=1&lang_id=450

RU version: http://www.enpi-info.eu/maineast.php?id=22700&id_type=1&lang_id=471