Commissie geeft subsidies voor cursussen voor beleidsmakers op onderwijsgebied (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Directoraat-generaal Onderwijs, jeugd, sport en cultuur (EAC) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 30 september 2010.

Are you a specialist or decision-maker in education or vocational training and would like to explore themes of common interest with your counterparts in other European countries or better understand specific aspects of another education and training system? Apply before 15 October 2010 for an EU grant to participate in study visits between March and June 2011.

The programme is open to nationals and residents of any of the 27 EU Member States, as well as the EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) and candidate countries (Turkey, Croatia).

Eligible for application: those who are responsible for the development and implementation of education or vocational training policies at local, regional or national levels: directors of education and vocational training establishments, guidance centres and validation and accreditation centres; teacher trainers; education and training inspectors; and representatives of employers associations and trade unions.

Candidates are selected by the National Agencies responsible for managing the programme in participating countries. Successful participants will receive a grant to contribute to travel and subsistence expenses.

There will be opportunities for 145 study visits to 29 European countries. Applications for study visits up until February 2011 are already closed.

If you are interested in participating please consult the national agency in your country and submit your application online. More information about contacts and the modalities of applying:


The Study visits programme is part of the Lifelong Learning Programme. The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) co-ordinates the programme on behalf of the European Commission in co-operation with the National Agencies.

Study visits provide a forum for discussion, exchange and mutual learning on themes of common interest at EU level in order to:

  • enable those exercising important responsibilities at local, regional, sectoral or national levels to better understand specific aspects of education and vocational training policies, and explore themes of common interest in other countries;
  • further the exchange of advice, ideas and information between all those participating in the programme, both visitors and hosts;
  • enrich the flow of information between participating countries and at European level, including the policy-making level.

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