EU neemt restrictieve maatregelen tegen politieke leiding Transnistrië (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op maandag 27 september 2010.

Republic of Moldova - Restrictive measures against the leadership of the Transnistrian region

The Council today1 adopted a decision concerning restrictive measures (visa ban) against the Transnistrian leadership (13623/10).

The decision extends the restrictive measures until 30 September 2011. It also extends the suspension of the measures for a further period of 6 months (until 31 March 2011), in order to encourage progress in reaching a political settlement to the Transnistrian conflict, addressing the remaining problems of the Latin-script schools and restoring free movement of persons.

At the end of the suspension period, the Council will review the restrictive measures in the light of developments.

The EU is committed to continue its efforts in order to contribute to a viable settlement of the Transnistria conflict, based on the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. It also re-affirms its call for a resumption of formal settlement talks in the 5+2 format as early as possible.

The decision was taken without discussion at the Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting.