Commissie mag Frankrijk toetsen op Europese regels, verhouding Commissie en Frankrijk slecht (en)

Met dank overgenomen van EUobserver (EUOBSERVER) i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 16 september 2010, 20:31.

EUOBSERVER i / BRUSSELS - An infuriated, defensive Nicolas Sarkozy i, the French president, on Thursday played down a "violent" clash with European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso i over the issue of Roma expulsions during an EU summit, with his shouting reportedly heard at the other end of the corridor.

"If there was one person in the room that remained calm, it was me," Mr Sarkozy later claimed during a press briefing, denying reports from officials that his exchange with Mr Barroso had been "violent."

According to EU sources, Mr Sarkozy's "yelling" during the EU leaders' meeting was well heard as he attempted to, in his words, "defend the honour of France."

Speaking in front of cameras, Mr Sarkozy blamed justice commissioner Viviane Reding i and her "deeply shocking" and "insulting" comments made on Tuesday that likened his Roma deportation policy to that of France's pro-Nazi regime in the Second World War.

He denied having "any problem" with Mr Barroso, but in the same breath reminded the Portuguese politician that he had last year supported him in his efforts to win a second term as chief of the EU commission.

"I appreciated the fact that Mr Barroso distanced himself from Ms Reding, but I am the president and cannot allow my country to be insulted."

In a lengthy discourse on what he said was a non-discriminatory crackdown on Roma camps and expulsion of irregular migrants and EU citizens, Mr Sarkozy said he had no intention of bringing a halt to his policies, as it was the "duty" of his government to uphold the rule of law and public order.

The document that had caused the uproar, giving instructions to police to target Roma camps "with priority", was allegedly signed by a minor official from the ministry of interior, he said, and had been "immediately withdrawn" when Mr Sarkozy found out about it, one month later.

Mr Barroso, speaking two floors below the French leader at a parallel press briefing, also tried to play down the escalating row with France and stressed the need to focus on the "real problems" and not to "deviate" into "useless rhetoric or unnecessary controversy."

According to EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy i, member states agreed four points. They said that each government has the right and duty to apply the rule of law on its territory, but the European Commission has the responsibility of overseeing the application of EU law, for instance in the areas of freedom of movement and non-discrimination.

EU leaders also "took note" of Mr Barroso's statement on Wednesday, in which he regretted the historical reference made by Ms Reding. He made the concession despite having made a similar remark last week when warning EU states not to "awake the ghosts of the past."

The fourth point underscored that "relations between institutions and member states have to be inspired by respect," Mr Van Rompuy said.

Meanwhile, Bulgarian premier Boyko Borisov, present during Mr Sarkozy's tirade against the commission, said he was happy his country had stayed out of the controversy.

"There was an argument, not to say a scandal, involving the president of the European Commission and the French president," Mr Borisov told journalists after the meeting.

Romanian President Traian Basescu intervened in the debate and backed the commission's stance on the Roma repatriations, pointing that "these are nomadic people" and they cannot be forced to stay in one country.

Asked about the clash, Mr Basescu laughed and said, ironically: "There was no clash, they are very good friends."

According to the Romanian politician, the consensus around the table was that the commission needs to come up with a strategy to help Roma in the areas of employment and education.

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