(Nuno) Melo

Nuno Melo is a member of the European Parliament since 14 July 2009 for the "Partido do Centro Democrático Social-Partido Popular", which is aligned with the European People's Party. Melo is elected on behalf of Portugal.

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Personal data


Place and date of birth
Joane, 18 March 1966



National political party
Partido Popular

European Parliamentary Group
European People's Party


Main functions and occupations

Main functions and occupations
  • President of the Municipal Assembly, Vila Nova de Famalicão
  • Member of the Assembly of the Republic during its 8th legislative terms, from 1999 until 2002
  • Member of the Assembly of the Republic during its 9th legislative terms, from 2002 until 2005
  • Member of the Assembly of the Republic during its 10th legislative terms, from 2005 until 2009
  • Vice-President of the Assembly of the Republic during its 10th legislative term
  • chair, CDS-PP parliamentary group, from 22 July 2004 until 12 October 2006
  • member European Parliament, from 14 July 2009


Party political functions

  • Vice-President, CDS-PP (Centre Social Democrats - People's Party)
  • President, Braga District Political Committee, CDS-PP
  • chair of the 8th Committee of Inquiry into the Camarate tragedy; CDS-PP coordinator for the following committees: Committee on Constitutional Affairs, Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees
  • Committee on Ethics
  • Committee on Parity, Equality and Family Opportunities
  • Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the management of the TAP airline; Committee of inquiry into the Foundation for Prevention and Safety; 7th Committee of Inquiry into the Camarate tragedy
  • Committee of Inquiry into the background to the nationalisation of the BPN bank and banking supervision



Academic education
  • Graduate in law




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