Litouwen moet onafhankelijkheid van haar Europarlementariërs garanderen anders volgen juridische stappen (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 juli 2010, 12:27.

Following a decision taken by the Lithuanian authorities against an MEP, Lithuania should be asked to comply with EU law or else face infringement proceedings, said the European Parliament on Tuesday.

The matter revolves around a decision by the Lithuanian Chief Official Ethics Commission "publicly admonishing" MEP Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR, LT) because of statements he made about alleged discrimination against the Polish minority in Lithuania.

"The decision in question and the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania on which it is based breach European Union law by not observing the principles of the freedom and independence of Members of the European Parliament" established by Article 2 of the Statute for MEPs, says Parliament.

Consequently, in a resolution backing the position of its Legal Affairs Committee, Parliament asks the Commission to intervene with the Lithuanian authorities to ensure that EU law is respected and, if necessary, to launch proceedings against Lithuania for infringing the law.

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