Prioriteiten Belgisch Voorzitterschap vastgesteld (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 6 juli 2010, 9:55.

Belgium's legal affairs and single market priorities for its EU Council Presidency were outlined to the Legal Affairs Committee on Monday 5 July, by Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck, and Enterprise and Simplification Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne. Other ministers will continue presenting Belgium's priorities to EP committees next week in Brussels.

Legal affairs

Better protection for victims of crime, and especially of domestic crime, the fight against human trafficking, sexual exploitation and child pornography, reinforced legal co-operation among Member States and better access to justice for citizens are Belgium's key legal affairs priorities as set out by Justice Minister Stefaan De Clerck.

To take account of greater mobility in Europe, laws on cross-border divorce (Rome III) and on succession and wills are also high on the Belgian Presidency’s agenda. Mr De Clerck also looked forward to making progress on mutual recognition of judicial decisions, cross-border judicial and police co-operation, a European investigation order, and reinforcing the powers of Eurojust. Finally, the Presidency also aims to “find some solutions to get the ball rolling” on the Statute for a European Private Company.

Single market

For the single market, a European patent is the key priority, said Enterprise and Simplification Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne.“80% of my energy will be invested in the European patent”, the minister told MEPs. The first step for this patent is the language regime, presented last week by the Commission. Consumers’ rights, the late payments directive – on which the Belgian Presidency hopes to reach a first reading agreement with Parliament – and copyright will also be major issues during the Belgian Presidency, he concluded.

In the chair: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (EPP, DE)

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