Spaans voorzitterschap zeer tevreden over resultaten op terrein van grondrechten en vrijheden in afgelopen zes maanden (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 24 juni 2010.

The Spanish minister Francisco Caamaño. Ministry of Justice

In the semester of the Spanish Presidency of the EU in matters of Justice, we have achieved “important results” and “fundamental progress” in the construction of a single space of rights and freedom, in benefit of all the European citizens.

This has been the main consequence of these six months of work, which has been carried out “with passion and reason” by the council of Justice ministers, under the presidency of the Spanish minister Francisco Caamaño.

During his assessment speech before the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs this Thursday, Caamaño highlighted the successful setting up of the Stockholm Programme and the new joint decision-making method implemented by the Treaty of Lisbon.

Especially grateful for the collaboration of the European Parliament

Caamaño was especially grateful for the cooperation and “loyal collaboration” of the European Parliament, the Council and their respective judicial services, which has enabled a productive and “organised transition”.

Of the achievements of the last six months, the Spanish minister highlighted the importance of the first legislative initiative presented in the EU to protect victims, especially victims of gender violence, which had the support of 18 member states.

Caamaño was convinced that the “material, non-restrictive focus” on this issue, defended by the Spanish Presidency, will prevail when this matter is taken up again in the next Justice Council under the Belgian Presidency. He also felt that in this way the reluctancy of the Commission will be resolved.

Furthermore, he emphasised the approval of the directive on translation rights in criminal trials, “the important first step” in developing a road map on legal cooperation in the interests of “strengthening the guarantees” of processes.

The approval of the mandate to negotiate the EU's adhesion to the Declaration of Human Rights or adopting a common focus on the proposal for a directive to fight against human trafficking are other achievements highlighted by Caamaño.

The debate on combating the sexual exploitation of children or child pornography, the approval of enhanced cooperation between 14 countries in matters of separation and divorce, the resolution on the agreement model for training joint research teams and the progress made on the debate on the European Public Prosecutor's Office, are also important achievements of the Spanish Presidency.