EU en Moldavië beginnen onderhandelingen over liberalisatie van visa (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 15 juni 2010.

On Tuesday, the Republic of Moldova and the EU kicked off talks on the liberalisation of visas, during the bilateral Co-operation Council meeting, which was chaired by the Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido.

It is “a great day for the Republic of Moldova, which will help to consolidate our State and to create a strong society with strong ties with the European Union,” stated the Moldovan Prime Minister, Vlad Filat, referring to the launching of talks aimed at suppressing visa requirements.

Upon the conclusion of the Council meeting, the first technical meeting was scheduled to be held this very afternoon between EU representatives and a delegation from Moldova, chaired by the first deputy prime minister of that country.

Diego López Garrido highlighted the latest developments undertaken by Moldova in constitutional matters, among other achievements attained since the first Council held last December.

In the same line, The European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy, Stefan Füle i, described the second meeting of the Co-operation Council as "highly fruitful" and highlighted the progress achieved in the negotiation of the bilateral association agreement, together with Moldova's adhesion to the European Energy Charter Treaty.

Visa liberalisation will enable Moldovan nationals to travel through Europe without borders of the Schengen area, by merely presenting their passport. Moldova is one of the few neighbouring countries where visas are still required. Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia attained visa liberalisation last December.