Zware agenda voor de Raad van Ministers Algemene Zaken en Buitenlandse Zaken ter voorbereiding Europese Raad op 17 juni (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op zaterdag 12 juni 2010.

European Union

The members of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and of the General Affairs Council (GAC) are meeting on Monday in Luxembourg to prepare for the European Council on 17 June, which has to approve the new European strategy for growth, and discuss matters such as the situation in Gaza, Iran, Cuba or Sudan, and the problem of piracy in the Horn of Africa.

In the final leg of the semester, the ministers of the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) and the General Affairs Council (GAC) are meeting on Monday in Luxembourg to tackle a heavy agenda, which includes preparation for the June European Council and matters such as the situation in Gaza, Iran, Cuba and Sudan.

The Foreign Affairs Council will dedicate a work session to questions of development, including the problem of piracy in East Africa and gender equality in development cooperation. The Ministers for Development are also scheduled to discuss the Millennium Development Goals, with a view to the United Nations summit that is scheduled for September 2010.

The FAC will be chaired by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Policy and Security, Catherine Ashton i. The FAC agenda includes a review of the Joint Position on Cuba, adopted by the EU i in 1996, which calls for tangible advances towards democracy and respect for human rights on the island.

The ministers have to evaluate the future of political dialogue with Cuba, which was resumed in 2008, above all taking into account its evolution in the field of human rights. The dialogue with Cuba covers a wide range of subjects, including political questions, human rights, economics, development cooperation and scientific and cultural cooperation.

The General Affairs Council will meet on Monday afternoon to prepare for the European Council on 17 June. This is expected to launch the new European strategy for economic growth and the creation of employment Europe 2020.

Under the chairmanship of the Spanish minister, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, the European ministers also have to prepare the EU's position for the Toronto G20 summit and review the common strategy in terms of Millennium Development Goals and climate change.

The GAC agenda also includes the European Citizen's Initiative, the European External Action Service and the Outermost Regions.

On Monday, the Cooperation Council with the Gulf States and the Association Council with Montenegro will also be held under the auspices of the FAC. Likewise, on Tuesday 15 June, there will be Cooperation Councils with Algeria, the Ukraine and Moldavia and the Association Council with the Lebanon.