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PRESS RELEASE No 73/2010 |
10 June 2010 |
Turning our cities into sustainable living areas -how can civil society contribute?
On 14 /15 June 2010, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), is to organise a conference on sustainable cities in Bordeaux, in conjunction with the city's authorities. Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux and former Prime Minister of France will open the conference and the Spanish EU Presidency, the European Commission and an array of civil society representatives will investigate how to involve civil society more closely in shaping the sustainable cities of tomorrow.
2008 was a watershed; for the first time in history, the number of urban dwellers outstripped the number of rural residents. In Europe 75% of us live in cities, and this figure is set to hit 80% by 2020. Many cities wrestle with social and environmental problems created inter alia by overcrowding, poverty, pollution and traffic. Despite their numerous problems however, urban settings also offer many possibilities for sustainable living. And civil society has a key role to play in identifying these opportunities and in capitalising on them.
The conference " Sustainable Cities - How can civil society contribute? " will bring together stakeholders from the EU institutions, European cities, the academic and business worlds, and NGOs. During their two days in Bordeaux, participants will discuss ideas and best practices for creating sustainable cities. The debate will focus on sustainable transport and buildings, urban biodiversity and above all, on efficient ways of involving civil society inputting it all together.
Bordeaux is a particularly appropriate venue for the conference as in recent years it has implemented a series of measures geared to "greening" the city and providing a better quality of life for all its residents.
For more information and a detailed programme please contact: sdo@eesc.europa.eu
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