Nieuwe samenwerkingsakkoord tussen Rusland en de EU wordt veelomvattend (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Raad van de Europese Unie (Raad) i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 1 juni 2010.



Joint Statement on the Partnership for Modernisation

EU-Russia Summit

31 May-1 June 2010

Meeting at Rostov-on-Don for their 25th Summit on May 31-June 1, 2010, the European Union and Russia launched a Partnership for Modernisation to the mutual benefit of their citizens.

In a world in which peoples and economies are ever more closely connected and inter-dependent, modernising our economies and societies becomes ever more important and necessary.

The European Union and Russia, as long-standing strategic partners in a changing multipolar world, are committed to working together to address common challenges with a balanced and result-oriented approach, based on democracy and the rule of law, both at the national and international level. The New European Union - Russia Agreement, which is currently under negotiation, will also provide the basis for achieving these objectives. In this context, the Partnership for Modernisation will serve as a flexible framework for promoting reform, enhancing growth and raising competitiveness, and will build on results achieved so far in the context of the four European Union - Russia Common Spaces, complementing partnerships between European Union Member States and the Russian Federation. The sectoral dialogues will be a key implementation instrument for the Partnership for Modernisation.

The European Union and Russia have a common interest in enhancing bilateral trade and investment opportunities and in facilitating and liberalising trade in the global economy as well as strengthening and developing competition, including through Russia’s early WTO accession.

Priority areas of the Partnership for Modernisation will include: expanding opportunities for investment in key sectors driving growth and innovation, enhancing and deepening bilateral trade and economic relations, and promoting small and medium sized enterprises; promoting alignment of technical regulations and standards, as well as a high level of enforcement of intellectual property rights; improving transport; promoting a sustainable low-carbon economy and energy efficiency, as well as international negotiations on fighting climate change; enhancing co-operation in innovation, research and development, and space; ensuring balanced development by addressing the regional and social consequences of economic restructuring; ensuring the effective functioning of the judiciary and strengthening the fight against corruption; promoting people-to-people links; and enhancing dialogue with civil society to foster participation of individuals and business. This list of areas for cooperation is not exhaustive. Other areas for cooperation can be added as appropriate. The European Union and Russia will encourage implementation of specific projects within the framework of the Partnership for Modernisation.

The Partnership for Modernisation will be the subject of continuous monitoring and exchanges at all levels of the European Union - Russia dialogue. The co-ordinators of the Partnership and the co-chairs of the European Union - Russia sectoral dialogues will closely interact in the Partnership’s implementation. The European Union and Russia have exchanged concepts on the European Union’s and Russia’s visions of the main areas for cooperation within the context of the Partnership for Modernisation. Leaders have tasked coordinators of both sides to develop a work plan.