Spanje verdedigt één interne markt als alternatief in crisitijd (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 25 mei 2010.

Spain's Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego Lopez Garrido, at the European Parliament [19-05-10]. EFE

Spain's Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego Lopez Garrido, defended the importance of fully developing the potential of the single internal market, especially at a time when countries are not able to provide as much public funding for growth.

He made these comments at a press conference after chairing the single internal market session of the Competitiveness Council, which he defined as "the jewel in the crown" of the EU for its strategic value in building the Union and for future growth.

To develop it "to its logical conclusion," the Council has today focused on four aspects: the 2020 economic strategy, which will lay out European growth policies up to that year, the services directive, the digital agenda and the consumer rights directive.

During the meeting, the former Single Market Commissioner, Mario Monti, presented the main elements of the report he has been commissioned to produce in order to revitalise and deepen the single market in coming years.

On the services directive, Lopez Garrido said this is "one of the most important structural reforms in the history of the EU," since services account for 60% of the total European economy, and one-third of all jobs.

He stressed that 20 of the 27 member states have adapted their national law to the directive, which seeks to end protectionist measures and the administrative burdens affecting the services that companies provide in other countries.

A "step forward" was also taken during the Competitiveness Council on the consumer rights directive. The member states have expressed a preference for a mixed and "flexible harmonisation," with fundamental rights to later be supplemented in each country.

Lopez Garrido mentioned some of the basic rights being weighed up, including the information that consumers must receive before signing a contract, or a product return guarantee for 14 days after an online, phone or catalogue purchase.

The Spanish Presidency will present a consensus text to the directive's working group, and it is expected that this will be adopted during the term of the Belgian Presidency, in the second half of 2010.