Tentoonstelling in het kader van het Spaans EU-voorzitterschap naar Brussel (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 29 april 2010.

Until June, the BOZAR Palais des Beaux-Art is showing the exhibition 'El Ángel Exterminador: A Room For Spanish Contemporary Art', a group show about Spanish contemporary art based on the work of around 30 multidisciplinary artists.

Curated by Fernando Castro Flórez, the exhibition takes its name from the film of the same name by Luis Buñuel; it attempts to distance itself from any artistic logic to contemplate a rich and varied creative scene, defined by the individuality of each artist. According to the curator, the show functions 'as a living painting where the theatrical dimension is crucial, as well as the capacity for refashioning the world from fragmentary elements, like a bricoleur'.

The group show includes all kinds of art forms, from painting to video, photography and sculpture. In addition to this is the theatre offering (Rodrigo García and La Carnicería Teatro), dance (Olga Mesa), performance (Esther Ferrer) and competition (Paco Cao). The initiative also includes the screening of a selection of videos by Pere Portabella, Francisco Ruiz Infante, Txuspo Poyo, Javier Codesal, Sergio Belinchón, Cristina Lucas, Ignasi Aballí, Jaume Pitarch and Antoni Muntadas.

El Ángel Exterminador creates a sort of fraternisation ceremony in which nothing is predictable. The exhibition space questions entry and departure, the need to escape and the desire to remain within. The reading by Castro Flórez therefore stresses the idea of limits and the different ways of demarcating or exceeding a stay.

The other selected artists are: Lara Almarcegui, Txomin Badiola, David Bestué, Marc Vives, Nacho Criado, Pep Durán, Dora García, Dionisio González, Mateo Maté, Abraham Lacalle, Enrique Marty, Concha Pérez, Javier Pérez, Gonzalo Puch, Bernardí Roig, Fernando Sánchez Castillo, Santiago Sierra, Fernando Sinaga, Diego Santomé, Jaume Pitarch, Juan Luis Moraza, José Ramón Amondarain, Xavier Arenós, Belén Uriel, Jacobo Castellano, Domingo Sánchez Blanco, La Ribot, Amparo Sard and Jesús Segura.

The exhibition, which forms part of the cultural agenda of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, has been organised by the State Society for Cultural Action Abroad, the Ministry of Culture and the BOZAR Palais des Beaux-Art in Brussels.