Raad algemene zaken bereikt overeenstemming over opmaak nieuwe diplomatieke dienst EU (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 26 april 2010.

The General Affairs Council gathered on Monday in Luxembourg under the chair of Spanish Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos, reached a political agreement based on the proposal made by the High Representative of the European Union, Catherine Ashton, on the structure of the diplomatic service that will represent European interests world-wide.

In a press conference, Ashton expressed her thanks for the support received and for “the efforts made” by the Spanish Presidency-in-turn in this matter.

Mr. Moratinos was also “very satisfied” with his contribution to accommodating the different opinions of the Member States and stated that “today is an important day for the EU”.

“The Presidency-in-turn has fulfilled its objective and it has not been easy, we have had to ask everyone to make an effort”, stressed the minister.

The Member States have agreed that geographic and gender balances must be taken into account when naming the heads of the EU delegations, a process in which the European Commission (EC) will take part.

Also, in the near term, one-third of the service personnel will be composed of Member State diplomats, while civil servants from the EC and the EU Council will make up the rest of the staff.

The ministers have also reached a compromise on the possibility that Community delegations may offer limited consular services, as long as this does not require additional budget costs.

The document includes the concerns expressed by the different governments and also “many of the European Parliament's worries”, said Moratinos,

According to Moratinos, that fact that it is a political agreement with no formal decision will make it easier to points of convergence with the European Parliament and European Commission during the next phases of implementing the service.

For this process, “the Spanish Presidency is always willing to dialogue and reach out”, said Moratinos.

The European External Action Service was the focus of the General Affairs Council in Luxembourg, held after the meetings of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defence.