Hoorzitting Europese Parlement de Griekse fiscale crisis (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Europees Parlement (EP) i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 14 april 2010, 19:49.

The changing regulatory environment for Member State reporting of the state of their accounts as well as details of the role played by Goldman Sachs in facilitating Greece's entry to the eurozone were among the main issues raised during a public hearing on the Greek fiscal crisis organised by the EP's Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee on Wednesday. Debt management and how better to track financial products of the type associated with the crisis also took centre stage.

MEPs quizzed Olli Rehn i, European Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, Walter Radermacher, director-general of Eurostat, Gerald Corrigan, chairman of Goldman Sachs Bank USA, and Richard Metcalfe, head of global policy at the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

In the first part of the hearing MEPs focused on the next steps in economic surveillance and governance in the EU and how to improve the reliability of national statistics. The second part was devoted to Member State debt management and stepping up the surveillance of the derivatives markets.

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