EU ministers debatteren over verbeteringen binnen de agrarische sector (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op zondag 28 maart 2010.

Improving the food supply chain will be the centre of debate for the EU ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries, meeting in Brussels under the presidency of Elena Espinosa, the Spanish Minister for the Environment, and Rural and Marine Affairs.

The ministers expect to approve proposals to favour a more just distribution of food price benefits and they will debate several measures to better protect the sector against future market crises such as the diary crisis.

The Council anticipates approving a document presented by the Spanish EU Presidency with ideas to improve the functioning of the food chain in regards to prices, where farmers and consumers are usually the weakest link.

The text on food prices includes measures to solve problems such as speculation or distribution chain abuse when setting prices.

The ministers plan to offer their support to sectorial organisations, such as producers and SMEs, and will insist on the need to fight unfair commercial practice or non-payment more strictly.

EU-27 anticipate approving another document in which they will defend the existence and improvement of agricultural aids that act as a "safety net" against the crisis.

The document, drawn up by Spain and the two countries who will succeed Spain in the presidency (Belgium and Hungary), refers to the need to conserve these market aids beyond 2013 (year in which the current Community budget will end).

This involves improving the structure and the consolidation of the food and agriculture sector; increasing transparency, for example in the control of price formation; fighting against unfair commercial practices; encouraging self-regulation initiatives; and establishing a balance between the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the European policy of competition.

The Council will also debate aspects related to the future of the Common Agricultural Policy, bearing in mind the European strategy for job creation and economic growth.

In this area, the Council will deal with the conclusions of the “trio” of presidencies on the future of the CAP and the measures for market management after 2013.

Lastly, the EU-27 ministers will also review the Commission's latest report on the dairy market.