EU wil strengere supervisie op het financiële stelsel in aanloop G20 top (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op vrijdag 26 maart 2010.

The Heads of State or Government meeting at the Spring European Council stressed that they must reach an agreement before the G20 Summit in Toronto (26 and 27 June) on matters such as supervising the financial system and the agenda for regulating it.

According to the President of the European Commission (EC), José Manuel Durão Barroso i, ‘it is very important that the EU concludes its homework and is able to go to Toronto united, so that we are on an equal footing at world level’.

The President of the Spanish Government and President-in-turn of the European Council, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero i, stressed that ‘the future of the economy in the EU is not going to depend solely on what we do as Europeans, but also on the general rules of the international economy’.

In this regard, he advocated that the EU should take the initiative at forums such as the G20, where it should strongly defend its positions regarding regulation and the fight against climate change.

Spain has now consolidated its place at the G20 meetings; it is not formally included in the group, but it has taken part in the last three G20 summits (Washington, London and Pittsburg (USA)) as a guest.