Spaanse minister Europese zaken bespreekt toekomst EU 2020-strategie voor interne markt (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 1 maart 2010.

The Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido. EFE

The Competitiveness Council i held in Brussels this Monday dealt “essentially” with the 2020 Strategy from the perspective of the Internal Market according to the Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido.

“The EU must enhance and strengthen its single Internal Market, which is one of the most important elements that can contribute to sustainable growth and the creation of quality employment; a single open, transparent, non-protectionist Internal Market”, the Secretary of State said.

Beyond the consolidation of the Internal Market, López Garrido stressed that there was “broad agreement” among the 27 members of the EU on the 2020 Strategy i, both on the “general goals”, and the “specific instruments” that will be used to achieve the main goals.

Among the goals to be achieved, the Spanish Secretary of State emphasised the importance of the European economy strengthening “its industrial, technological and energy hub”, and the need for “social and territorial cohesion.”

With regard to the specific tools to be used, four were highlighted: Investment in research, development and innovation; investment in physical infrastructures; strengthening of the Internal Market itself and, finally, improvement of the regulatory framework of European business.

López Garrido indicated that “a decrease in administrative burdens” is seized, but he especially underlined the importance given to the SMEs, “which in some countries make up 99 percent of companies.”

The other major issue discussed in the session was, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, approval of a Council decision “regarding increasing respect for intellectual property rights in the Internal Market, a decision to fight against piracy and falsification.”