Spaansvoorzitterschap ziet belangrijke rol voor Commissie in de Europa's toekomst (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 23 februari 2010.

The President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero i, and the President of the European Commision, José Manuel Durao Barroso i, during the press conference. EFE

The President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has stressed the “fundamental role” of the European Commission in building Europe and offered it his full support and loyalty over the six-month period of Spain's Presidency of the Council of the EU.

The 27 members of the Commission, including its President, José Manuel Durao Barroso, met with the Spanish Government in Madrid during the traditional meeting at the start of each six-month presidency, although on this occasion it was delayed due to the changeover of the College of Commissioners, which happens every five years.

“Supporting the European Union means further developing Community methods, and these methods are in the hands of the Commission. For this reason I have expressed Spain's firm commitment to strengthening the role of the Commission during this period”, said Rodríguez Zapatero during comments to the media along with Durao Barroso at the end of the morning's working session. “For us, supporting Europe and the EU means support and backing for the EC”.

The President of the Spanish Government referred to the period of change that the EU is going through with the Treaty of Lisbon coming into force, and also the major priority for Europe at the moment, which is to drive forward economic recovery and a new model of sustainable growth that will generate employment, within the context of the new EU2020 Strategy.

“The Spanish Presidency has tabled ideas for economic recovery that will lead us to more competitive and innovative growth”, said Rodríguez Zapatero, particularly highlighting ideas relating to economic co-operation, common energy policy, development of the internal market, the digital agenda and industrial co-operation in emerging sectors such as the electric vehicle.

Among other issues discussed, he mentioned the economic and trade agreements that the Spanish Presidency is very keen to finalise with Central America, the Andean Community and Mercosur at the EU-Latin America and Caribbean Summit to be held in Madrid in May, as well as development of European citizenship, particularly in areas related to gender equality.

Rodríguez Zapatero thanked the Commission for the work it is doing to further these issues.

The President of the Commission pledged to present the formal EU2020 document on 3 March, with detailed proposals to act as a focus for discussions. Barroso thanked the Government of Spain for its “exceptional contribution” to the new strategy and expressed his hope that the heads of state and government will be able to make decisions at the meeting on 25 and 26 March.