Spaans voorzitterschap presenteert economische ambities aan de OESO (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op donderdag 18 februari 2010.

López Garrido met with the Secretary General of the OECD i, Angel Gurría, who will visit the President of the Spanish Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero i, next week

The Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido, visited this Thursday the headquarters of the OECD in Paris to explain the Spanish Presidency's proposals to combat the economic crisis, unemployment and to kick start the recovery.

According to López Garrido, the lines of action proposed by the Spanish Presidency of the EU include the creation of stimulus packages for States that are promoting employment and employee training, including the use of EU funds such as the European Social Fund, and the coordination of EU employment policies.

Another objective is the implementation of the European economic recovery plan,

especially with regard to investment in European infrastructures.

López Garrido set out other issues that the Spanish Presidency wishes to promote, including financial supervision, the Europa 2020 strategy and preparation for the climate change conference in Mexico. This was to preview the issues that will be discussed at the next General Affairs Council on Monday 22 February in Brussels.