Spaanse minister Europese Zaken hoopt op hervorming EU economisch beleid (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 16 februari 2010.

The Spanish Secretary of State for the European Union, Diego López Garrido, is pleased that the Extraordinary Informal Meeting of the European Council of 11 February supported the idea of "going further than just monetary union and moving towards an economic union". He hopes that the first steps in this direction will be taken at the meeting of Heads of State and Government in March.

According to López Garrido in a briefing in Madrid this Tuesday, the Spanish Presidency is satisfied that in the meeting on the 11th, "the need to make a qualitative leap" in the area of economic, employment and social policies was considered, especially for the euro zone.

“Spain's proposal for moving towards true coordination was accepted, and economic Government was even mentioned in some speeches", said López Garrido.

In this meeting, which focussed on the EU 2020 Strategy, "the subject of Greece was addressed", said the Secretary of State, and this gave rise to a commitment to this country that is also "a commitment to stability of the euro zone". “There has never been such a clear a commitment to the stability of the euro zone", López Garrido confirmed and said that although Greece had not asked for aid "if they needed aid, then it would be given”.

The Spanish Secretary of State hopes that in the Council of March, the "essential lines along which the new coordinated policy will be approved" and that "the basic objectives, which shouldn't exceed five", should be set.

Following this, "a more sector-focussed debate" should be engaged in prior to the Council of Madrid in June.

Another of the ideas that might be considered in the area of the economy is that of "using stimuli, some of which could come from European Structural Funds, to create quality employment".

López Garrido also added that, “we want to attach a great deal of political importance" to the Council of 22 March. “The European Council should become a true political leader, in European government policy, and its meetings should take place more regularly", he said.

He continued, "We consider that we must move towards a new system of financial supervision, and we want the subject of Climate Change to be debated".

On climate change, "there will be an initiative by the Spanish Presidency to stimulate and guide" the debate thoroughly in preparation for the next United Nations Climate Change Conference in Mexico.

Finally, the Secretary of State indicated that accession negotiations with Croatia "will be highly important during the Spanish Presidency" and it is hoped that the first steps will be taken in negotiations with Turkey.