Spanje vraagt om meer middelen, duidelijkere afspraken en specialistische diensten voor FRONTEX (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op woensdag 3 februari 2010.

Rubalcaba visited the FRONTEX i offices in the Canary Islands last June. EFE

Minister Rubalcaba highlights the good work of the border control agency and warns that “we cannot lower our guard”. The Spanish Presidency has proposed providing FRONTEX, the European agency for external border control, with “more resources, clearer rules and specialist offices”. The statement was made by the Spanish Minister of Home Affairs at the opening of the meeting of the Management Board on Wednesday in Madrid. “We are planning to promote FRONTEX, to equip it with more resources, its own resources, because when FRONTEX becomes more independent it will become more efficient; to provide it with mechanisms for jointly managing maritime operations, mechanisms that respect the laws and rights and clearly establish each country's obligations”, said Rubalcaba. The Minister devoted most of his speech to praising the work carried out by this agency which jointly manages and controls the external borders of the European Union, mainly the maritime borders, and insisted that this control is the responsibility of all the members of the EU i. “FRONTEX has shown that it is probably the best tool we have for ensuring shared and jointly responsible border control”, he insisted.

We cannot lower our guard

As proof of this “exemplary work”, Rubalcaba pointed out that in 2009 there were 7,200 attempts of illegal entry alone on the Spanish coast, the lowest figure during the decade, compared to the next lowest year in 2000 with over 15,000 attempts. “But we cannot lower our guard”, as the relationship between the economic crisis and migratory pressure is not that simple given that “irregular immigration originates from economic imbalance, and nothing indicates that that is going to reduce”, he said. Rubalcaba also stated that “Europe is not, nor does it want to be, an isolated power, however, in order to have legal and regulated immigration that allows us all to enjoy the benefits it provides, the fight against illegal immigration has to be effective”. The Minister also said that the common strategy in the fight against illegal immigration in Europe is based on three points: -Work with the countries of origin and transit countries of this immigration, to help them to control their borders better and to develop. -Prevent nationals from entering irregularly -Effectively and publicly repatriate the people that have entered illegally: “They should know that they are going to be repatriated in accordance with our laws and their rights, which will also send an unequivocal message to the organised criminal groups that traffic people”, the Minister pointed out.