Journalisten zien grote rol voor Spanje in aanhalen banden met Latijns-Amerika (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op dinsdag 12 januari 2010.

Spain is a key country for the European Union in terms of it relations with Latin America, according to 67% of international correspondents polled on the occasion of the recently-inaugurated Spanish Presidency of the EU.

The results of the poll, carried out last autumn among Spanish journalists and foreign correspondents with membership in the International Press Club (CIP) in collaboration with the company, Burson Marsteller, have now been released, to coincide with the beginning of Spain's term at the helm of the EU.

According to those polled, the areas to be tackled as a priority during this Presidency include the economy (90%), immigration (88%), employment (58%), foreign policy (54%) and the environment (44%).

Areas where Spain can bring significant added value, according to those polled, are immigration (77%), social rights (56%), environment (42%), fishing/agriculture and healthcare (33%).

Furthermore, the vast majority of those polled believe that holding the EU's rotating presidency is a positive thing for the country doing so.

Finally, 62% of those polled consider that Spain should be part of the G-8.

The IPC, which will celebrate the 50th anniversary of its founding in 2012, has almost 400 members.