Vicepremier Fernández de la Vega bespreekt prioriteiten Spaans voorzitterschap met Barroso (en)

Met dank overgenomen van Spaans voorzitterschap Europese Unie 1e helft 2010 i, gepubliceerd op maandag 11 januari 2010.

The priorities of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union, chiefly overcoming the economic crisis and adopting a new strategy for growth and also including agreements with Latin America, were addressed today at a meeting in Brussels between the Spanish first deputy prime minister, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, and the president of the European Commission, José Manuel Durão Barroso.

Fernández de la Vega and Barroso exchanged views on the aim of making relations with Latin America and the Caribbean “closer and stronger”, as the deputy prime minister stated in a press conference after the meeting.

After pointing out that there is political will on both sides, she urged for the resumption of negotiations between the EU and Mercosur as soon as possible with a view to signing an agreement at the upcoming summit in May.

She also expressed her hope that the EU can also sign agreements with Central America and Panama and several Andean countries at that summit .

“We want the summit in May to be a success,” the first deputy prime minister said, referring to the EU-Latin America and the Caribbean summit to be held in Madrid.

On emphasising the importance of attaining these objectives during the term of the Spanish Presidency of the EU, she said that “we are the best bridge” for consolidating relations between Europe and Latin America.

Fernández de la Vega, who reiterated that two major themes of the program of the Spanish rotating Presidency are “innovation” and “equality”, said that the main objective in this semester is to work to overcome the economic crisis and she urged for the adoption of a new strategy for growth known as 'Strategy 2020'.

“At no time have we spoken about sanctions” on the countries that do not meet the criteria of the future strategy, the first deputy prime minister stated in response to questions on Spanish proposals.

It is now “essential to address a new model of economic governance”, Fernández de la Vega said, highlighting that better coordination mechanisms are required.

“The diagnosis has been done. Now we have to discuss concrete measures”, she added.